
Molecular Biology:

  • Introduction to Molecular Biology fundamentals. Application of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP).Overview of Genomic DNA and its relevance.
    Essential skills in instrument handling.Understanding Percentage calculations. Basics of Molarity and Normality concepts.
    Proficiency in Micropipette handling, including forward and reverse pipetting techniques.Understanding the principles, SOP, and applications of a spectrophotometer. Composition and significance of buffers in experiments.Techniques for Genomic DNA extraction from onion, banana, bacteria, and plants.Various types of electrophoresis methods.Qualitative analysis of DNA using Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. Quantitative estimation of DNAusing UV-VIS spectrophotometry RNA extraction methods (Transcription) – (Types: Northern, Micro, Long, mRNA, and others). Vector Designing , Restriction mapping , Codon Optimisation , Iron Oxide Magnetic Bead Based DNA Isolation , Compitent Cell Preparation , Polymerase Chain Reaction. 


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